E-motions the driving factor for the digital aged consumers

E-motions the driving factor for the digital aged consumers

As we expanded our intellectual abilities through standardized education and communication through technology many may have thought the driving factors for buying would become increasingly more dependent on reason.

However, the constant proliferation of media and social issues have driven the consumer base away from the habit of critical thinking into the arms of the whimsical nature of our emotions. 

Identity used to be a connected to family, community, and heritage, with the fashionable choices being the status quo and the assertion of your identity in your ideals and actions. The disenfranchised of today remember very little of their ancient heritage and lack the fundamental values that were instilled through these hierarchical systems. Identity through action has been stripped of its impact through the employment and commercial participation required by all individuals. Leaving most with nothing left but the civil and social waves of the economy to differentiate themselves from others. 

We see the increasing presence of the "woke" culture taking hold of our prevalent corporations. This marketing prescription is due in part to the symptom of customers being converted into niche social justice warriors vs. large block demographics they used to associate themselves with. The cause is resting on the transition from rational political discourse to the identity politics enacted by the state media to more effectively influence the target demographics they seek to persuade. 

We at Culture Vulture understand the butterfly effect taking place of a greater need for individuals to express the unique features, positions, and "cultural heritage" that adequately represents them. 

We also encourage all artist and authors to submit work to be featured in our collections to get a more accurate voice of the people.

Click for the E-girl shirt pictured above?

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